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furbaby photo tips

Furbaby: Photo Tips

Discover some cool tips on how to take photos of your furbaby.

Posted by Stef Cowie

With the explosion of social media pages dedicated to pets. Some fur babies become famous worldwide with their merchandise, creating a full-time business for the owner.

Creating The Perfect Furbaby

Whether you own a dog, cat, horse, rabbit or pig. No matter what type of furbaby you have, creating fun photos is a great bonding experience and a core memory. Sharing your pics via social media is a perfect opportunity to share your furbaby photos with friends, family and followers.

The Quirky Picture

Taking a unique picture is fun and a great way to show your furbaby in a different environment. It could be having your little furbaby working alongside you on a laptop while you’re WFH. The ideas are endless!


TikTok is a great platform for ideas for quirky photos and videos of pets. From dogs being massaged to shetland ponies watching a movie.

Creating a good backstory for the photo and background will enhance the visual. Having treats on hand is fruitful as might help your furbaby to strike a pose, Vogue style!

Outdoor Pet Pictures

Minimize distractions by picking a quiet location, this helps to reduce internal distractions. If your furbaby tends to get excited then exercising and feeding your pet before the photo is advisable as calms them down.


Accessories are a must for a fun picture that has a theme, as well as a coordinated outfit to match the story.

Smartphones Photo Tips

Many of us use smartphones for photos as they provide loads of cool options for settings. Some phones even adapt to the surroundings so the user doesn’t even have to think about it.

Be Patient


Furbaby owners will know that patience is the key when creating the perfect photo or video of their pets. Give them time to let their personality shine through especially dogs. Sometimes furbabies need time to take in their surroundings.

Capturing Motion Photos


Taking photos whilst your furbaby is moving can be difficult but many smartphones have an essential burst mode. This mode can help to capture zoomies and it allows you to select the best pics from the burst. Though it may take time to select the best slide, it will be worth it.

Black Furbabies

Did you know that black dogs and cats are notoriously hard to photograph? Many owners struggle to capture their lovely dark-haired pets in photos.

Soft and even lighting in the daytime is an ideal setting for dark-coloured furbabies. Too much light could add increased exposure and contrast, removing the character of the pet.


Taking photos at your pet’s level shooting upwards, provides a cool backdrop of the sky which adds natural light and contrast.

Another great tip is to focus on your pet’s eyes if they are a different colour than the fur. It can create stunning results and texture if there is the right amount of light.

Cool Ideas For Furbaby Photos

  • Urban Pictures in Cities


  • Home Life – Chilling


  • Action Shots – Parks, Swimming, Running


  • Special Occasions, Birthdays, Weddings


We Can Print Your Furbaby Photos

If you have camera pics of your lovely furbaby, then we can print them in any size on canvas or photo paper.

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